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Beverly: Burning Mouth Syndrome and Related Orofacial Pain

Beverly is a middle-aged woman with pain in the roof of her mouth, tongue and occasionally sides of her mouth.

Charlie: Opioid Misuse Following Wisdom Teeth Extraction (Teenager)

Charlie is a 17-year-old Caucasian male, accompanied by mother Sarah. He is about to undergo surgical extraction of maxillary third molars. . This case centers on the appropriate prescribing of opioids for post operative dental pain. It describes the role of the pharmacist in identifying suspected opioid misuse, abuse and diversion. Finally the case presents an example of opioid misuse and diversion and the consequences of such misuse.

Christine: Orofacial Pain

Christine is a 30-year-old woman referred by her local ENT doctor. She says she's experiencing excruciating pain in her jaw.

Diana The Declining Dancer: Chronic Pelvic and Jaw Pain

Diana is a 19 year-old woman with pelvic pain and jaw pain since adolescence. She is seeing her provider for advice on how to manage her pain as it seems to be getting worse and is limiting the things she likes to do like dance and eat her favorite foods.

Jane: Acute Dental Pain

A 35-year-old woman presents to the hospital emergency department with pain in the lower jaw.

Joe: Chronic Headaches in the Young Adult

Joe is a graduate student with increasing headache frequency for the past 2-3 month. They occur daily and disrupt his coursework and studying. Some are severe with nausea and light sensitivity, while others are mild. In addition to his headaches, Joe experiences neck pain and muscle tension.

Margaret:17-Year-Old Girl With Headache and Jaw Pain

Margaret presents to the pharmacy seeking a recommendation for treating persistent headaches that she has been experiencing. The pharmacist notes that the patient has been visiting the pharmacy routinely for the past 2 months.

Melanie: Acute to Chronic Orofacial Pain

Melanie is a 15-year-old girl with jaw clicking with and without pain, and frequent headaches over the last three months. This course illustrates the foundational underpinnings of pain, pain assessment and pain management strategies using a longitudinal case of acute to persistent/chronic orofacial pain with mixed nociceptive and neuropathic phenotypes.

Melissa: Medication Overuse Headache

Recognizing medication overuse headache in patients presenting with chronic migraine. In this case study, we present a 39-year-old woman who has been experiencing near daily headache for the last 4 months and her successful treatment.

Mrs. Farley: Chronic Temporomandibular Joint and Fibromyalgia Pain

Mrs. Christine Farley has been suffering from temporomandibular joint (jaw) and myofascial (muscular) pain, and you are asked to be part of her inter-professional team to advise on how to best help manage her pain.