Event 4: Home Health Physical Therapy

The Home Health physical therapy section covers both physical exam and home safety with the physical therapist.

Physical Exam

The physical therapist tells Betty, "I would like to take a look at your shoulder – check your motion, your
ability to move your shoulder and go over some functional tasks with your shoulder."

Neck Range of Motion

Strength in Left Arm

Arm Range of Motion

Putting On and Taking Off Clothing

Physical Therapy Exam Summary


Pain in lateral neck, right thoracic region, right shoulder as in body diagram.


Right upper extremity: Pain over acromioclavicular joint, bicep tendon, deltoid, scapular muscles painful to palpation. Trigger points in upper trap, deltoid, pectoralis. Shoulder shrug normal.

Range of Motion

Cervical range of motion: Within functional limits except left rotation and left side bending limited to 50% of normal and pain at end range. Both elbows and wrists within normal limits.

Shoulder Range of Motion

Details for range of motion and strength of bilateral shoulders
Details for range of motion and strength of bilateral shoulders

Shoulder Strength

Details for range of motion and strength of bilateral shoulders
Details for range of motion and strength of bilateral shoulders

Home Health Physical Therapy: Physical Exam

The physical therapist asks Betty follow up questions after her walk through with the Home Health Nurse.



Rest of the House


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