Event 6: Pharmacist Consult

Pharmacist - Patient Counseling

  • Identify/introduce self as pharmacist 
  • Identify/confirm patient or caregiver 
  • Provide medication name and indication for use 
  • Provide dosage/regimen for medication 
  • Discuss potential (major) side effects 
  • Discuss warning, precautions, and interactions 
  • Describe missed dose instructions 
  • Provides number of refills or number of allowed refills 
  • Discuss storage recommendations

As the pharmacist:

  • Present facts and concepts in logical order 
  • Use language the patient is likely to understand 
  • Display effective nonverbal behaviors (i.e., eye contact, body language, etc.) 
  • Use understanding or empathetic responses 
  • Maintain control and direction of the counseling session

Nestor's Treatment, Updated

Nestor is started on methadone, 5 mg (5mg/mL) via the G-tube twice a day.  After a few days, he seems more calm.  A week after starting the methadone, he is no longer irritable.  He requires only one extra dose of oxycodone a day.  He still has some pain when he is moved, but his mother has worked with the community  health nurse to  learn how to move him so there is less pain.  He is enjoying his music more and seems almost like his old self again.

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